Sunday, November 8, 2009

DAI 323- Contrast

This is an example of good use of contrast in design. As you can tell the tone, shape and lack of color are what makes this image successful. The shape immediately tells you that the black type is in the shape of a bottle with liquid being poured out. While there is some randomness of the type, the size and boldness helps the important words stand out like, "love." The message is communicated clearly and done in an original way. This image is about as contrasty as it gets though because it's black type on a white background.

This is an example of poor use of contrast in design. The light blue type over green is very difficult to read. The lack of clarity is a result of poor contrast. The designer of this image had the right idea with the red type, but failed to notice that all the other type gets lost in the background and is very hard to decipher. It's understandable that the designer wanted to use the colors from the whipped cream can, but if the image was in black and white you'd realize that there was a huge contrast issue with the design.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

DAI 323- Movement/ Motion

The first image is a representation of stimulated motion. The two dimensional image shows the motion of the type splashing into the water, but it is not actually occurring. The angles of the type falling into the water also contribute to the implied motion compared the type below, which is very static and aligned. The imbalance really emphasizes the weight of the type and makes them seem real like there is a friction against the water they're falling into. The straight lined boxes help with the the sense of direction. They lead the eyes from top to bottom and you automatically know what direction the type is moving.

In this image, the implied movement is shown through the stretching and folding of the type. The shape implies that the "ideas" are so big that it's squeezing itself out of the grey box. The lines are of the type are also at diagonals, which communicates that the type is not static like the type at the bottom. It shows that it has energy, almost enough that it can't fit on the page. In other words, it wants to think outside of the box and that really is the implied movement.